
Productivity Weekend

We are quickly approaching the end of the month and if you are like me, you still have items on your to-do list from this month…or last month…or the month before. HA

Procrastination is in my nature, so I am constantly looking for fun and interesting ways to hack my lazy. It was from complete laziness and procrastination that my idea for Productivity Weekend was born.

Productivity Weekend is celebrated (yep, celebrated just like a holiday!) on the last weekend of every month and it is a time to take some major action on that to-do list.

How Productivity Weekend Works:

  • Start now by making a to-do list of all the things that you didn't get done this month. TIP - put the things that will take 10 minutes or less at the top of this list and the longer timeframe items at the bottom.

  • Use Saturday and Sunday to be PRODUCTIVE and tackle as much on your list as you can. 

  • On Sunday evening as you are admiring all of the items that you have crossed off of your list, CELEBRATE! Order food in, make yourself a nice dinner, drink a glass of wine, put on your favorite slippers and jams and watch your favorite show, have yourself a dance party. Do whatever it is that brings your heart joy and celebrate the heck out of how productive you were!

Here is my Productivity Weekend to-do list:


Most of these things I was able to get crossed off of my list in less than 2 hours.

And yes, I was driving around since July with an expired license. oops.

I am very conscious of the products I bring into my home, and I have very high standards for what I allow around my sweet boy, Ever. I know that what I clean his toys in will eventually end up in his mouth, so there is no question that it needs to be toxin-free.

Thieves Household cleaner meets all of standards and as a bonus it smells like Christmas morning. Click blow to join for Young Living with me. I’d love to have you be a part of this community. 

Productivity Weekend has cleared my mind of things I was “going to get to“ for so long. Hack the lazy, my friends it is totally worth it!

I’m thinking that this is going to be a last weekend of the month tradition.

What are some fun ways that you hack your lazy?